作为生物科学的负责人 Cardiovascular in CVRM I am responsible for our heart failure and cardiovascular disease early project pipeline through to the candidate drug investment decision, where we decide which candidate drugs to take forward into further early clinical development. 我支持临床前生物科学方面的研究.g. mechanism of action and pharmacology/efficacy of drugs in development projects, 从目标识别到第三阶段. 我鼓励并支持跨学科决策, 以及战略外部合作.

在制药行业有超过20年的经验, 我在生物科学方面有广泛的专业知识, 涵盖目标识别和临床前开发, all the way through to late-clinical and marketed products in both cardiovascular and renal medicine. 我有许多模式和药物开发项目的经验, from small molecules, peptides, 抗体和蛋白质, to 反义寡核苷酸 and 信使核糖核酸.

我在Linköping大学完成了临床化学博士学位, Sweden, focused on the real-time analysis of processes related to blood clotting and fibrinolysis using novel optical and rheological sensing techniques to diagnose haemostatic disorders.

My interests and scientific experiences encompass diverse areas including cardiovascular disease, 贫血和肾脏疾病, 伤口愈合和组织再生, 加上血栓和止血作用. 我研究过生物传感器技术, 包括表面等离子体共振, 石英晶体微天平和自由振荡流变仪. 我也支持专利, including the use of FII and fibrinogen for treatment of haemostatic disorders, formulation and use of mRNA based therapeutics in heart failure and healing of diabetic foot ulcers.

Our aspiration in the cardiovascular space is to regenerate damaged tissues and eventually cure heart diseases, 以及找到预防这些疾病的方法. The key areas in heart failure that I am focused on strengthening within AstraZeneca are dilated cardiomyopathies and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), as well as researching the phospholamban and SERCA proteins – that has been linked to cardiomyopathy and heart failure.

At AstraZeneca, we are focused on expanding our scientific understanding of disease drivers to deliver game changing treatments that will prevent illness and help the body heal from conditions that currently cause too many lives to be lost.

Kenny Hansson 执行董事兼心血管生物科学主管, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), AstraZeneca

2019 CEO Award

Worlds first mRNA therapeutic to demonstrate safety/tolerability and proof-of-mechanism in diabetic patients

PHB Award 2014

Most innovative collaboration for Validation of a coagulation biomarker and a Point of Care Diagnostic for early prediction of FII deficiency and poor prognosis in trauma patients with severe bleeding.


Key Achievements

Executive Director, Head of Department, 生物科学心血管, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), AstraZeneca

2020 – present

Executive Director, Head of Department, 生物科学心血管, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), AstraZeneca. Heading the disease area Heart failure and Cardiovascular disease with accountability for project pipeline up to candidate drug investment decision.

2019 – 2020

代理部门主管/项目负责人, Bioscience, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), AstraZeneca, led the 生物科学心血管 Department and supported the preclinical bioscience aspects of development projects, 从目标识别到第三阶段.

2018 - 2019

澳门葡京网赌游戏生物科学心力衰竭副主任/项目负责人. 领导心力衰竭和伤口愈合领域的项目, 利用mRNA和反义寡核苷酸.


Blocking phospholamban with VHH intrabodies enhances contractility and relaxation in heart Failure

De Genst E, Foo K S, Xiao Y, Rohner E, de Vries E, Sohlmér J, Witman N, Hidalgo A, Kolstad T R S, Louch W E, Pehrsson S, Park A, Ikeda Y, Li X, Mayr L M, Wickson K, Jennbacken K, Hansson K, Fritsche-Danielson R, Hunt J和Chien K R. 自然通讯(2022)13,3018;

Phospholamban 反义寡核苷酸 improve cardiac function in murine cardiomyopathy

Beverborg N G, Später D, Knöll R, Hidalgo A, Yeh S T, Elbeck Z, Silljé H H W, Eijgenraam T R, Siga H, Zurek M, Palmér M, Pehrsson S, Albery T, Bomer N, Hoes M F, Cornelis J. Boogerd 6, Michael Frisk 7, Eva van Rooij 6, Sagar Damle4, Louch W E, Wang Q-D, Fritsche-Danielson R, Chien K R, Hansson K M,马立克A E, de Boer R A, van der Meer P



Eijgenraam T R, Stege N M, Teixeira V O N, de Brouwer R, Schouten E M, Beverborg N G, Sun L, Später D, Knöll R, Hansson K M, Amilon C, Janzén D, Yeh S T, Mullick A E, van der Meer P, de Boer R A and Silljé H W H

J. Mol. Sci. (2022) 23, 2427

Modified VEGF-A mRNA induces sustained multifaceted microvascular response and accelerates diabetic wound healing.

孙宁,宁斌,汉森K M, Bruce A,等. Scientific Reports 2018, 8:17509 doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-35570-6

Mathematical Model Predicts that Acceleration of Diabetic Wound Healing is Dependent on Spatial Distribution of VEGF-A mRNA (AZD8601)

Rikard S M, Myers P J, Almquist J, Gennemark P, Bruce A C Gberg M, Fritsche-Danielson R, Hansson K M, Lazzara M J, Peirce S M.

生物工程学报(自然科学版),2014,33 (4):391 - 398

Model-Based Analysis Reveals a Sustained and Dose-Dependent Acceleration of Wound Healing by VEGF-A mRNA (AZD8601)

约阿希姆·阿尔姆奎斯特,米凯拉·里卡德,玛丽亚·瓦格伯格,安东尼·C. Bruce, Peter Gennemark, Regina Fritsche-Danielson, Kenneth R. Chien, Shayn M. Peirce, Kenny Hansson* and Anna Lundahl*.


CPT药物计量系统. Pharmacol. (2020) 9, 384–394

Recombinant human prothrombin (MEDI8111) combined with fibrinogen dose-dependently improved survival time and reduced blood loss in a porcine model of dilutional coagulopathy with uncontrolled bleeding

Hansson K M[1],林德龙A,林德龙A,林德龙K, Lövgren A. Blood 凝血与纤溶[j] .中国生物医学工程学报,2019,30 (3):559 - 567

Veeva ID: Z4-53355